School Details

.IBAT College Dublin, in conjunction with our learning partners, offers a wide range of full-time and part-time programmes from short skills-based programmes to full-time honours degree and postgraduate courses. Many of the courses offered in IBAT College Dublin are on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The NFQ provides a structure to compare and contrast the level and standard of different qualifications in Ireland. This helps you to make informed decisions about your qualification choices, and progression routes available to you. All of your learning achievements can be measured and related to each other using the NFQ, and you can explain to others, nationally and internationally, which standard of education you currently hold or are studying towards. This becomes very important when you are considering further learning or when applying for a job, in Ireland or abroad. 

We have four dedicated IT Labs for you to use across our two campuses. They are equipped with various specialist programs designed for courses including Data Analytics, Desktop Publishing and Programming.

The College’s Careers Service provides a range of services to help meet the career planning, job search, career development and management needs of IBAT College Dublin students. Students also have access to the IBAT College Dublin online Career Portal which provides Information on CV and cover letter writing; further study opportunities; job vacancies search; preparing for an interview; post-degree career options; resources for employers; seeking internships; and seeking work experience.

Library and information facilities are available for your academic and research requirements regardless and all are staffed with skilled librarians. The library collections comprise print texts, e-journals, e-books and online databases

Why study with IBAT and in Dublin, Ireland? 

  1. Graduate starting salaries are at a high of €33k*

  2. Dublin is home to large and prestigious organisations such as Google, Facebook, Accenture, Hubspot, Mastercard and Salesforce – the perfect place for you, an aspiring global business professional

  3. In late 2018, employment levels reached an all-time high* in Dublin, which along with the prestigious organisations based in Dublin, offers huge employment potential for graduates

  4. A 12-month post-student work permit enables graduates to gain invaluable experience with these companies or one of the numerous start-ups based in the city

  5. A city-centre campus in the heart of Dublin - equipped with modern facilities and positioned perfectly, connecting you to work opportunities

School Features

Quality Assurance Reviews :

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
 is the independent body entrusted with monitoring and advising on standards and quality in UK higher education. The QAA act in the public interest, for the benefit of students and are dedicated to checking that the students working towards a UK qualification get the higher education experience they are entitled to expect.

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David :

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) was formed on 18 November 2010 through the merger of the University of Wales Lampeter and Trinity University College Carmarthen, under Lampeter’s Royal Charter of 1828. On the 1 August 2013, Swansea Metropolitan University became part of UWTSD. 

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) :

A strategic partnership between IBAT College Dublin and Atlantic Technological University (ATU) was officially established on July 20, 2023, following formal approval at the ATU Academic Council meeting in June 2023.
Courses are delivered within the ATU Quality Assurance and Enhancement framework and awarded by ATU.

QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) :

QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is an independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland. It was established in 2012 by the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. 

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